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Environmental Policy


Studentlife Furniture Environmental Policy

Policy Statement:

At Studentlife Furniture, we are committed to minimising our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance. We recognise the importance of environmental responsibility in our operations and are dedicated to complying with applicable legal requirements and other environmental commitments.

Commitment to Compliance:

We commit to complying with all relevant environmental laws, regulations, and standards that apply to our business operations. We have written our EMS in-accordance with the ISO 14001:2015 standard as this is something we are working towards, ensuring that our Environmental Management System (EMS) aligns with best practices.

Sustainable Sourcing and Manufacturing:

Studentlife Furniture is dedicated to sourcing materials responsibly and promoting sustainable manufacturing practices. We prioritise the use of eco-friendly and ethically sourced materials, with a focus on recycled content and FSC-approved wood. Our commitment extends to working with suppliers who share our values and adhere to high environmental standards.

Carbon Footprint Reduction:

Recognising the urgent need to address climate change, we actively strive to reduce our carbon footprint. This includes efforts to minimise energy consumption, optimize transportation practices, and implement initiatives that contribute to a lower overall carbon impact. We aim to foster a culture of sustainability within our organisation.

Employee Training and Engagement:

We understand that our employees play a crucial role in achieving our environmental objectives. To this end, we are committed to providing training and resources that empower our staff to contribute to our environmental goals. We encourage a culture of environmental awareness, responsibility, and innovation among our team members.

Continual Improvement:

Studentlife Furniture is dedicated to the continual improvement of our environmental performance. We set measurable objectives and regularly review our progress to identify opportunities for enhancement. Our commitment to improvement extends to all aspects of our operations, from product design to end-of-life considerations.

Communication and Transparency:

We believe in open communication with our stakeholders. We will communicate our environmental policy and performance to employees, suppliers, customers, and the public. By fostering transparency, we aim to build trust and demonstrate our commitment to responsible environmental practices.

Oversight and Consultation:

We have engaged Sam Haywood AIEMA, Director of Burstock Management, as an external consultant to oversee the management and preparation of our EMS. This collaboration ensures that our environmental initiatives align with industry best practices and standards.

Review and Update:

This environmental policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. We are committed to adapting our practices to address emerging environmental challenges and opportunities.


Mr. Dorian Tranter, Director
Mrs. Helen Sharp, Director

Date: [.............................]


This policy will be communicated to all employees and contractors associated with StudentLife Furniture.

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